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JMURJ  Designer & Marketer

I served on the editorial board for Volume 3 of the James Madison Undergraduate Research Journal.  I worked as a designer and with the marketing/outreach team.


I designed cover pages and layout for articles that were published in the journal and created banner advertisements for the JMURJ website. I also launched a PR sticker project that advertised the journal to coffee shop goers. I maintained & grew the journal's Facebook page, and assisted with recruiting photographers for a cover photo contest. I wrote and submitted advertisements to a widely circulated weekly brochure on campus, "Table Tents."

I screened potential article submissions as well as proofread articles. Finally, I designed and presented a poster of the journal for the 2016 Honors Research Symposium.



Banner ad for Contact Hypothesis article

Banner advertisement graphic for contact hypothesis graphic
james madison undergraduate research journal cove page

Page 2 of our SV-SLI Fact Sheet

Banner ad for jmurj riot grrrl article

Banner ad for Riot Grrrl article

jmurj publishing promoting ad sharing undergraduate scholarship 2016 honors collge symposium research poster

Designed this poster for the 2016 Honors Research Symposium

Riot Grrrl article layout design

Cover page for Riot Grrrl article, used in the journal

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